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Postgraduate program in Clinical Endocrinology
Escola Paulista de Medicina
Escola Paulista de Medicina
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Fees and Scholarship


Master or PhD degrees are provided to the student free of charge. Therefore, there is no enrollment fee or monthly fee charged to any student, whether Brazilian or not. However, the candidates must cover their own expenses on housing, food, health insurance, transport and others related to the stay in São Paulo.

Requesting procedure and values

Funding for graduate students is available. There are several sources for student scholarships. Most are from CAPES - Ministério da Educação (Federal Secretary of Education). Students do not need to know all sources or to apply for all kinds of scholarship. The graduate program has a pool of scholarships, and we will take care of scholarship destination. Students should request it to the program right after approval in the admission test.

The number of scholarships available may not be enough for every student. If this is the case, the program has a priority criterion (ask the document for the program secretary). The remaining students go to a waiting list. As soon as one student gets the degree, that scholarship goes to the next one in the waiting list. The values can be found at the site of Capes (

FAPESP Scholarships

Regarding other sources that are not managed by the program staff, the best one is the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), i.e., Master, PhD or post-doctoral scholarships that include travel and laboratory supply grants.

FAPESP stands for São Paulo Research Foundation. FAPESP ( is a public foundation, funded by the taxpayer in the State of São Paulo, with the mission to support research projects in higher education and research institutions, in all fields of knowledge.

The scholarships in Brazil are awarded after a peer review selection process, in the following modalities:

Applications are accepted all over the year, but it depends on the mentor decision because necessary documents are students c.v., mentor c.v., department approval and project (more information at FAPESP site (

Address and info

639 Estado de Israel Street
Vila Clementino - São Paulo/SP
CEP: 04022-001

+55 (11) 5089-9200 Ramal 2416
From monday to friday, 7am to 17pm
Escola Paulista de Medicina
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